
Hello there, I am Jenny Vile and I am thrilled you have taken the first step to finding out more about how I can help you along your midlife journey!

Just a brief intro to start, I'm a business owner of 20 years with experience in professional organising, declutter coaching, administration, real estate, feng shui energy and colour consulting and now pursuing my passion in health and wellness coaching helping women dream big, create a new lifestyle for themselves through menopause and beyond.

I am a mother of 2 beautiful adults, now a Nanna to my gorgeous grandson Zechariah!

My love of fitness and being active started at a young age with gymnastics, ballet, jazz & tap, long distance running and (teaching gymnastics and exercise classes on the front lawn at home).

My adult-self loves strength training, hill climbing and mountain hikes. Gardening is my go-to for relaxation and drinking tea in my bright fancy cups! But most of all spending time with my beautiful grandson when I can.

Peri-menopause hit me at the age of 38 with a whirlwind of debilitating symptoms including fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, insomnia, dry eye, heavy periods, iron deficiency, body aches and fibromyalgia, just to add to the mix.

I spent years of time (and money) at doctors and specialists having endless blood tests, procedures and multiple surgeries to try and relief my pain such as a hysterectomy and extensive adhesions removal to try and resolve the issues.

This lead me to do some of my own research as to why this was happening to me. 

So, I decided to study specific coursework and  training in Menopause Fitness Coaching to learn more. I am currently studying the Professional Certification in Health & Wellness Coaching.

Now a 52yo fully menopausal woman, I have created a Lifestyle Program called – The Menopause Reset to help midlife women with simple tools and strategies to dream big and create change in their lives as they enter their best years ahead! 

Together we put together an action plan for you with empathy, non-judgemental encouragement, bio-feedback and support to help you make positive changes with movement, healthy food choices, tools to remove mindset blockages and reduce stress by  learning simple techniques you can start to implement straight away.

Just having an accountability coach right there, supporting you along your health and wellness journey may be just what can help you get unstuck and on your way sooner. 

So, if you are ready to gain your INNER POWER, take BACK CONTROL.

Then let’s start taking action together today!

Are you ready? I am… 

Love to have a chat?

Book your 15min Discovery Call below.

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